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Importance of Wearing a Retainer After Braces

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After braces have been removed, retainers are essential for ensuring that the teeth remain in their new positions. Despite any reticence to continue using oral appliances, retention remains a vital part of the orthodontic treatment plan. Without diligent efforts to preserve the improvements that have been gained, the benefits of braces can be gradually diminished. This is why it is vital for all patients to understand the importance of wearing a retainer after braces.

Stabilizing The Bite

In the first two months after braces have been removed, the likelihood of relapse is very high. Even after the teeth are fully straightened, stabilizing the bite will take time. During the first several months after your braces have been removed, your soft tissues and bones will need to gradually adapt to the changes made in tooth positioning. This is how they become stable in their new arrangement. Once stabilization has occurred, the likelihood of relapse or having the teeth shift out of their positions is minimal. In order to prevent relapse while the bite stabilizes, you will need to wear your retainer at least 12 to 22 hours each day. This remains true whether you’ve had clear, plastic braces, removable tooth aligners or metal braces.

Tooth Gaps and Severe Aesthetic Issues

If you wear braces to correct gaps in your teeth, stabilization will invariably take a bit longer. This is also true for severely displaced teeth, large overbites and underbites. Whenever the teeth have been moved a considerable distance or significantly repositioned, holding them firmly in their new spaces until the mouth can adapt to these changes is critical for long-term success.

Establishing A Retention Plan

The recommended amount of time for retainer use is called your retention plan. Our orthodontist will structure your retention plan based upon the severity of the issues treated, your current age and whether or not retainers are being used in an effort to finalize the position of the teeth. Wearing retainers for the majority of the day and night is generally recommended in instances in which alignment problems were severe. Patients will often need to adhere to aggressive retention plans for the first three to six months after their braces have been removed. If they are diligent in their adherence to these early retention plans, they may have the option of wearing their retainers during the night hours only, after six months have passed.

Lifelong Retention

Although many people are all too eager to have their braces removed, maintaining their results is still a top priority. Without diligent retention, the teeth can migrate back to their original positions and braces could prove necessary for correcting the initial alignment issues once more. Due to this fact, people are generally advised to wear their retainers at least three to five times per week after their early retention plans have come to an end. After wearing your retainers for several hours per day and for a full 12 months, you will need to continue using these devices on a routine basis throughout the remainder of your life in order to keep the corrected bite intact.

Contact Us Today

Located in Brooklyn, Brace Central is dedicated to providing exceptional orthodontic services in the Brooklyn and surrounding areas. Whether you are considering braces or would like more information about your retention plan, our team of experts is here to help you every step of the way in your braces journey. Contact our office today to schedule your orthodontic appointment.

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