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Benefits of Getting Braces

Having misaligned teeth is much more than a cosmetic issue. Gaps in between the teeth, overcrowding and other forms of malocclusion can impact one’s ability to eat and speak comfortably. It also increases their risk of developing tooth decay, gum disease and countless other oral health problems. Braces can be used to realign one’s teeth in as little as a few months so that they can once again eat, speak and smile with confidence. There are a number of advantages that come from getting braces.

Long-Term Effects of Malocclusion

Teeth that are in the wrong position can wreak havoc on one’s oral health. According to the American Association of Orthodontists (AAO), malocclusion increases a patient’s risk of uneven tooth wear, cavities, periodontal disease, speech impediments and facial deformations. In addition to health problems, patients who have malocclusion often cover their mouths when they smile and shy away from pictures. To permanently fix this condition, patients must consider professional treatment options, such as getting braces.

What Are Braces?

Modern braces are made from a few key components, including metal wires, rubber bands and composite brackets. The brackets are attached to the front or back of the patient’s teeth with a powerful adhesive. Those brackets are then connected to one another with the metal wires so there is an even amount of pressure on the teeth. Rubber bands come in a wide variety of colors, and they are put in place to adjust the bite position. While there are many different types of braces, the vast majority of patients use traditional metal braces.


For most patients, the biggest benefit of wearing braces is the boost in self-confidence after the treatment is over. Children and adults who are unhappy with the appearance of their smile often have a tough time developing a positive self-image. In addition to the cosmetic aspect of a beautiful smile, these devices also reduce a patient’s risk of major oral health problems later on in life. Studies continue to show us that patients who have misaligned teeth have much higher rates of bruxism, breathing problems, migraines and TMJ.

The Ideal Candidate

Any patient who is no longer happy with their smile should speak with our orthodontist about getting braces. As a general rule, younger patients should begin seeing an orthodontist around the age of seven. This is typically when their adult teeth should be erupting. The braces might not be placed on their teeth until they are 11 or 12, but tracking these issues early makes the treatment process much more effective.

Contact Us Today

You don’t have to live with your misaligned teeth forever. Getting braces at Brace Central in Brooklyn is one of the best decisions you could ever make for yourself. After your braces come off, you can experience all of the benefits for yourself. Contact us today to schedule your appointment.

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